Almost every aspect of your life will change when you go to college, and you may initially find it difficult to adjust. After a while, you will settle in — but it helps if this happens sooner rather than later. Here are a few things you can do to make the transition as seamless as possible.
1. Focus on Your Studies
College is a time for learning about yourself, making lifelong friends, discovering new passions, and much more. However, its main purpose is to give you an education. To ensure you graduate on time with the credential you want and a good GPA, you’ll need to study hard. Avoid pushing your schoolwork to the side by dedicating a certain number of hours each day to your studies and finding a place where you’re able to concentrate without falling victim to distractions.
2. Attend Your Classes
Although some classes at college may be optional, you should attend them whenever you can. They will help you understand the material, resulting in better grades — which can boost your self-esteem.
3. Participate in Campus Activities
Feel like part of your school by participating in some of the many activities taking place on campus. There will be plenty happening during the first few weeks of college — and these are great for introducing you to clubs and organizations that you may like to join. You’ll find it easy to meet like-minded people and immediately begin expanding your social circle.
4. Stay Healthy
Use college as a time to develop healthy habits for life. Prepare your own meals often to ensure you eat a balanced diet, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, exercise regularly, and stick to a bedtime (at least on weekdays). If you want to go to parties, have a limit for how many you’ll attend and only go when you don’t have assignments due.
5. Manage Your Stressors
All the above will help you reduce stress, but there are more things you can do to manage your stressors. In particular, recognize when you’re starting to feel stressed and take action. Occasionally spending time alone to practise self-care can do wonders for your mental health.
6. Surround Yourself with Positive People
A great thing about college is that you can choose who you want to be part of your life. Maintain friendships just with people who value you and make you feel good about yourself. Plus, stay in touch with people you care about back home and friends who are attending other schools.
7. Stay Positive Yourself
In addition to being around positive people, try to maintain a positive attitude yourself. Be tolerant of people who have different views to you, and stay open-minded to others’ opinions. If you find yourself in a situation where conflict does arise (such as with a roommate or during a group project), communicate to work through the problem.
You’ll find it easier to settle into college life when you’re living in off-campus housing. Ottawa students can find a home at THEO — you’ll have a fully-furnished apartment either to yourself or shared with other students. Plus, there’s a range of activity areas to make your life more comfortable, including a gym, study station, lounge, and basketball court. Book an onsite visit to meet THEO.